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 * @file can.h
 * @author Sebastien CAUX (sebcaux)
 * @copyright UniSwarm 2017-2023
 * @date December 8 2017, 09:10 AM
 * @brief CAN low level support driver for udevkit

#ifndef CAN_H
#define CAN_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include "can_device.h"

// ====== bus assignation ======
#define can(d) MKDEV(DEV_CLASS_CAN, (d)-1)
rt_dev_t can_getFreeDevice(void);
int can_open(rt_dev_t device);
int can_close(rt_dev_t device);
bool can_isOpened(rt_dev_t device);

// ==== bus enable/disable =====
int can_enable(rt_dev_t device);
int can_disable(rt_dev_t device);
bool can_isEnabled(rt_dev_t device);

// ======== bus settings =======
typedef enum
    CAN_MODE_NORMAL = 0x0,  ///< CAN normal mode of operation
    CAN_MODE_NORMAL_FD,     ///< CAN normal FD mode of operation
    CAN_MODE_LISTENONLY,    ///< CAN only listen mode
    CAN_MODE_LISTENALL,     ///< CAN listen all without taking care of adresses
    CAN_MODE_LOOPBACK,      ///< CAN loopback mode for test purpose and self diagnostics
    CAN_MODE_DISABLED,      ///< CAN disabled
int can_setMode(rt_dev_t device, CAN_MODE mode);
CAN_MODE can_mode(rt_dev_t device);

int can_setBitTiming(rt_dev_t device, uint32_t bitRate, uint8_t propagSeg, uint8_t s1Seg, uint8_t s2Seg);
uint32_t can_bitRate(rt_dev_t device);
uint32_t can_effectiveBitRate(rt_dev_t device);
uint8_t can_propagSeg(rt_dev_t device);
uint8_t can_s1Seg(rt_dev_t device);
uint8_t can_s2Seg(rt_dev_t device);

// ===== fifo interface =====
int can_setTxFifo(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t fifo, uint8_t messageCount);
int can_setRxFifo(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t fifo, uint8_t messageCount);

int can_setFifoHandler(rt_dev_t device, void (*handler)(uint8_t fifo, uint8_t event));
int can_setFifoEventsHandler(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t fifo, CAN_FIFO_EVENTS eventBits);

typedef enum
    CAN_VERS1 = 0x00,    ///< CAN version 1 with standard 11 bits identifier
    CAN_VERS2A = 0x01,   ///< CAN version 2A, extended identifier are error
    CAN_VERS2BP = 0x02,  ///< CAN version 2B pasive, extended ignored
    CAN_VERS2BA = 0x03,  ///< CAN version 2B active, work with extended 29 bits
                         /// identifier and standard 11 bits identifier
    CAN_RTR = 0x04,      ///< Remote transmit request
    CAN_FDF = 0x08       ///< CAN FD trame

typedef struct
    uint32_t id;
    CAN_FLAGS flags;
    uint8_t size;

int can_send(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t fifo, CAN_MSG_HEADER *header, const char *data);
int can_rec(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t fifo, CAN_MSG_HEADER *header, char *data);

// ===== filter interface =====
typedef enum
    CAN_FRAME_STD = 0x01,   ///< CAN standard frames only
    CAN_FRAME_EXT = 0x02,   ///< CAN extended frames only
    CAN_FRAME_BOTH = 0x03,  ///< CAN standard and extended frames

int can_filterSet(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t nFilter, uint8_t fifo, uint32_t idFilter, uint32_t mask, CAN_FRAME_FORMAT_FLAGS frame);
int can_filterEnable(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t nFilter);
int can_filterDisable(rt_dev_t device, uint8_t nFilter);

// ======= dynamic clock =======
void can_reconfig(void);

#    include "can_sim.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  // CAN_H